The Refugee Portal
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there are currently 70 million displaced persons globally as a result of conflict, war, ecological devastation and human rights violations, the highest level ever recorded. This number is projected to be 300 million people by 2030. As a result, refugee settlements and other forms of shelter for the displaced have proliferated rapidly around the world, forming the backbone of a global humanitarian crisis.
We have been working with NGOs who have expressed that this humanitarian crisis is amplified by the fact that they are facing difficulties in providing the best possible care for refugees. Major issues include identification for refugees (with many people sharing similar names, or having limited literacy skills). NGOs are faced with using primarily paper based or analog systems that silo data and make access and continuity of care an inefficient and error prone activity. In addition, they have a challenge in providing effective medical care and patient continuity for refugees (who are often highly mobile and cannot always take their medical reports, exams, tests, etc. with them). Doctors who diagnose or help a refugee might only see them once and not be able to follow up due to not having access to either the refugee or their records. This problem includes the shortage of medical specialists who can go to a refugee camp and who can gain access to a refugee's historical medical reports.
Our plan is to help millions of refugees and vulnerable communities, as well as the aid agencies that care for them. AI Forte was established with this goal in mind. We are first and foremost concerned with protecting the privacy, and ensuring the security of refugees. Secondly, we are determined that the Refugee Portal achieve self-sustainability. The Refugee Portal is a modular based application of three phases that is built for mobile and desktop use. The customers will be aid agencies/NGOs and the end users will be Refugees.
Phase 1:
1. Digital ID: An efficient digitized onboarding/intake system and biometrically secure (i.e. facial recognition, fingerprints, etc.) digital ID for refugees which acts as a key for them to access further elements of the Refugee Portal.
2. Document Management: A secure document scanning , encryption, and storage drive accessible by the Refugee and the agencies the refugee themselves have authorized. This will secure and digitize any personal documents a refugee has (i.e. Passport, birth certificate, National ID number, any medical, education, or property records).
Phase 2:
1.Opening a Personal Electronic Health/Medical Record (EHR/EMR) tied to a Refugees Digital ID. This will allow for continuity of care across different camps, medical establishments, and countries. It will require the refugees biometric verification to access and is built to be secured to HL7 standards and built along HIPAA Privacy+Security Rules. In addition to meeting the EU standards for Data Privacy.
2. Mobile/TeleMedicine: The Refugee Portal was designed to link a refugee and their EHR/EMR with doctors and specialists who can provide a continuous level of care free from redundancies, inefficiencies, and the need to physically be present to provide this support. Aid agencies benefit by having near instant access to a patient secure, and consensually given, medical data. As opposed to having to wait for physical copies, faxes, manually searches, or the sending of sensitive medical data through unsecured messaging services like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, or e-Mail. The telemedice module then allows secure and private consultation with doctors to advise the best method of care.
Phase 3:
1. Education: One of the main requests we've received from aid agencies was to provide useful educational tools to complement whatever opportunities exist for refugees (of all ages) in camps. We are looking into partnerships with organizations that offer coding courses (as a tech company, this is a skill we believe will have lasting benefits for people) and that can be added on as part of our Refugee Portal.
2. Immigration: As many Refugees are eligible for immigration based on humanitarian concerns, we plan to provide a streamlined procedure for them to meet the requirements of the countries they wish to apply to. This will be an in-depth component due to the need for customization and integration with government agencies.
3. In-kind donations: Americans alone give approximately $410 billion (Giving USA) each year to charitable causes, with a significant portion of that going to support refugees. Our Portal is being developed with the aim of connecting Refugees with the support of these individuals through in-kind donations. Refugees often require special items that exist outside the traditional metrics of care (food, water, shelter, medicine, etc.) that aid agencies provide, such as a stroller or batteries. We plan to develop a Refugee Store module where needs can be posted and donors can supply funds to purchase those needs in-kind.